I am at a loss as to why people are posting time and time again about problems being encountered in transferring programmes from Sky+ to a dvd, Why? Even as I am typing I am transferring programmes from Sky+ to DVD, and still no problems. I wonder if some readers could reply to me to explain in more detail about what types of shows are causing problems. As I have now transferred in excess of 100 hours of documentaries and programmes including a few films off ITV2 and movies4men. All the recordings I have made have been successful and I am wondering if I am in the minority of Sky+ to DVD recordings that are successful, I feel a bit left out in not having any problems. Some forums are shunning Philips DVD recorders saying that they are not that good in recording and won't allow you to record at a slightly lesser quality. Now I'm no Philips representative but I can honestly say, that out of the 6 DVD recorders I had demonstrated to me 3 years ago, the PHILIPS 3380 was by far the best quality recording and the most in-sync audio. The others I tried were, SANYO, GOODMANS, LG, PANASONIC and LITEON. The next best was Liteon, however this was somewhat troublesome in accepting or reading a particular blank DVD. By the way, the best blank DVD's which I encountered are Verbatim, TDK and Ridata. There seem to be a limited life with DVD rw's and I personally only use -R's, even though they are not capable of re-recording, but at £0.20 a disc, what does it matter? You may say that it is a waste to use -R's but I guarantee that RW's are very unreliable especially when you want them to play on another DVD player. So I leave this blog now to have some tea and wait for someone, hopefully to reply to my questions. Maybe???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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